I’ve been doing a great deal of life training. I’ve been to 15 countries around the world, performed in 21 venues/festivals , made 34 shorts films (not counting the countless new media projects) and auditioned to projects more than I can remember and many more projects to come. I’m not writing this as a form of discontent but as recognition of my purpose. We go through life thinking that the we need certain items to fulfill our needs of living through consumerism and the judgment of others. However, if we focus our attention to what matters most the outside world becomes white noise, the static we see on the screen when we forget to pay our cable bill. FUCK IT! That’s not what we’re here for. I specialize in media and I can tell you two things that is for certain, It’s manipulation or relations. I’ve been more satisfied being outside my comfort zone, having no phone and losing my belongings, staying off the internet. I’m not saying it is all bad but moderation is key.
When I look at myself and I see that I’m not how I imagined this far into my life I begin to become slightly depressed …..asking if this where it stops or questioning the experiences of my life and what does it mean. But then there is a sign i don’t know where it comes from, maybe a movie or magazine but that little hint of hope in my mind begins to create a domino effect of perseverance. Then there is this feeling of excitement in my body as if I have to workout and not just my body, my mind becomes restless unable to sleep unless i’m feeding it. My PURPOSE begins to illuminate and the cobwebs of bullshit brought by the endless cycle society has stricken upon me since my birth disappears in a shining flash of confidence. I stick to it 100 % focused, tunnel vision, I see it, until I become it ,then the pieces begin to fall into place. I begin to have that need to always be lucky but i don’t always depend on it. Talent is one thing to have but being prepared will always find its way to the top. To have both is the answer.
My purpose is simple…. to become an actor at the highest level of imagination possible. What does that mean? It means to be on set where it takes me to a different world to allow my character to play more freely,like a child in a playground. No worries, just all out fun. It means to allow the audience or viewers to see how real it is but realize it’s not real at all, but a imaginative force that takes the everyday person out of their everyday. It’s about relationships for me. I travel not to enjoy the luxuries of life at home. I live with the natives. I see the world as they do and I make it a part of me. I feel every person I meet will have some type of impact one way or another. Whether you like them or not, every experience is a learning experience and I begin to understand these emotions enough where I can meet the same person on the other side of the world and get along just fine, because it’s not about the words it’s the one thing every human has in common, the universal language of the physical body.
You know, I don’t expect people to read all of this nor do I expect them to agree with me. And if you did get this far maybe you are different, maybe you do support me, maybe you do heed this advice and this can be a little change that you needed to get you going in the right place, or maybe it’s not enough and it still doesn’t make sense, that’s cool too. I just have this feeling as if I will become what i set out to do and why I am even here. Even writing this is something new for me, I express myself in a numerous amount of ways, through films, the arts, and illustrations. If this is what i’m feeling at this time then I’m going to do it and nothing going to stop me!I believe that’s how everyone should live.